In a world where users demand hyperpersonalization and data privacy, portable identity has emerged as a game-changing solution. This session explored how reusable IDs can streamline regulatory compliance, enhance fraud prevention, and personalize user experiences on a global scale. Here's a detailed overview of the insights shared by industry experts.


  • Daniel Flowe Head of Digital Identity, London Stock Exchange Group
  • Sasha Dobrolioubov Head of Partnerships & BD, Persona

Key Insights from the Session

Daniel Flowe (London Stock Exchange Group): Daniel Flowe opened the discussion by highlighting the current landscape of digital identities. He emphasized that traditional identity systems, often government-issued, are insufficient for the modern, digital world. He pointed out that portable identities offer a flexible, inclusive solution that can adapt to the changing needs of individuals.

  • Trust in Identity Frameworks: Daniel noted that trust varies significantly across countries. In some places, people trust the government, while in others, banks are more trusted. France, interestingly, was noted for its general mistrust.
  • Components of Portable Identities: Portable identities shouldn't be limited to government-issued IDs. In regions like the Nordics, bank-based EIDs are highly popular and effective.
  • Inclusivity: Highlighted the World Bank's data that 850 million people lack formal identification, most of whom are ethnic minorities, women, or from low-income countries. Exclusively government-based IDs could increase exclusion.

Sasha Dobrolioubov (Persona): Sasha built on Daniel's points by discussing how identity is an evolving puzzle. He illustrated how various elements of a person’s identity, such as phone numbers, names, and physical appearances, change over time. Portable identities must reflect this fluidity to remain relevant and effective.

  • Evolving Identity: Sasha used the metaphor of a wallet, where cards and notes are added or removed over time, to describe how portable identities evolve with the individual.
  • Flexibility in Data Sources: Emphasized the importance of allowing multiple data sources to contribute to a portable identity. This ensures that people without traditional forms of ID, like passports or driver’s licenses, are not excluded.
  • Paradigm Shift in Verification: Discussed the need to move away from traditional identity verification methods, like those used by bartenders checking IDs, to more dynamic and flexible digital methods.

Discussion on Accessibility and Inclusivity

Both speakers stressed the importance of ensuring that portable identities enhance accessibility and inclusivity. They argued that privacy and self-identification are fundamental human rights, which portable identities can help protect and promote.

  • Transgender Identity Changes: Shared a compelling story about a transgender woman who, despite legally changing her name and gender a decade ago, still faced challenges with identity verification in the legal system. This highlighted the need for identities that reflect current realities.
  • Impact on Refugees and Low-Income Populations: Referenced a World Bank study showing how access to mobile networks significantly improved household income and education in low-income areas when 3G and 4G networks were introduced. Portable identities could extend these benefits further by enabling economic participation.

Key Takeaways for Companies

Preparation for Portable Identity Rollout:

  • Flexibility: Companies must ensure their systems can integrate various data sources, from governmental IDs to private sector identity components.
  • User Experience: Develop user experiences that move beyond traditional verification methods, considering the dynamic nature of digital identities.
  • Inclusivity: Focus on creating paths for inclusion to prevent excluding those without traditional IDs.

Addressing Bias in AI Models:

  • Diversity in Training Data:Ensure AI models used for identity verification are trained on diverse datasets, covering different skin tones, facial structures, and other demographic variations to avoid biased outcomes.

As the digital economy grows, the adoption of portable identities will be crucial in ensuring that everyone, including the most vulnerable populations, can participate and benefit.


KOBIL is a global technology company focusing on secure digital identity and all-in-one multi-sided platform technologies. Since 1986, as a trusted Identity partner, KOBIL has been playing a vital role in the development of new encryption standards for identity-first security and regulatory-compliant solutions. Offering cutting-edge solutions for application shielding, user authentication, transaction authorization, and more, KOBIL is a market pioneer in digital identity and mobile security management. With over 500 employees worldwide, KOBIL is trusted by 5000+ stakeholders from banks to SMEs and start-ups, including the world's largest and most trusted organizations like the German Government,Raiffeisen, Erste, ING, Airbus,DATEV, Migrosand Siemens. KOBIL's recent innovation uniting all identity talents within a SuperApp platform highlight its commitment to compliance and innovation. KOBIL GmbH is the most visionary and market-leading provider of secure data technology solutions, with over 100+ million end users benefiting from its solutions. It operates in five headquarters—Germany, Switzerland, Turkey, the USA, and the UK—providing future-proofed projects and tech solutions across the world.