The ecosystem economy is rapidly becoming the new norm for businesses seeking to thrive in an increasingly interconnected and data-driven world. As companies face challenges like COVID-19, geopolitical tensions, and economic uncertainties, it is essential to adapt and embrace new collaborative models to ensure growth and resilience. Business ecosystems offer a strategic approach for companies to tap into the value of working together, focusing on shared goals and innovation. In this blog post, we will explore the six steps to becoming a successful ecosystem partner and delve into the vital role superapps play in platform economies.

1. Review Readiness

To join or create a business ecosystem, companies must first assess their current assets, data, and capabilities concerning the market segments defined as "Life Areas." Superapps, with their wide range of services and extensive user base, can provide valuable insights into customer needs and potential partnerships within these Life Areas, facilitating more informed decision-making.

2. Nurture the Ecosystem Mindset

Adopting an ecosystem mindset means re-orienting towards customer needs and data, accepting long-term investments, and delayed profitability. Superapps, which center around providing a seamless user experience, can help companies develop this mindset by offering examples of successful ecosystem strategies that prioritize customer needs.

3. Determine Present and Future Roles

Identifying suitable roles within the ecosystem is crucial to success. Superapps serve as excellent examples of orchestrators, as they often act as a central hub connecting various services, businesses, and customers. By studying superapps, companies can better understand the dynamics of ecosystem roles and plan their strategies accordingly.

4. Redefine the Playing Field

As companies transition to an ecosystem-focused model, they must remove pre-existing boundaries between markets, products, and services. Superapps epitomize this concept by integrating multiple industries and services under one umbrella, demonstrating how collaboration and innovation can lead to new business opportunities.

5. Invest in Partners

Successful ecosystem partnerships require trust, commitment, and understanding. Superapps can provide valuable lessons on forming unconventional partnerships and leveraging the strengths of each partner to create a thriving ecosystem that benefits all stakeholders.

6. Start and Iterate

Ecosystem companies must accept that planning and execution are different in the ecosystem setting, characterized by constant iteration and learning. Superapps have mastered this approach by rapidly adapting to market trends, customer feedback, and technological advancements. Companies can learn from these examples to navigate the unmapped territory of business ecosystems effectively.


The ecosystem economy demands a shift in mindset, strategic thinking, and collaboration. Superapps play a significant role in platform economies, serving as prime examples of successful ecosystem strategies. By incorporating superapp principles and lessons, companies can navigate the complex world of business ecosystems and unlock new opportunities for growth and innovation. Embracing this new reality will enable businesses to thrive in the ecosystem economy, meeting the ever-changing demands of customers and markets.